510 TWh

this is the solar potential of the French territory, equivalent to almost the entire electricity consumption of France (households and businesses) in 2019.


this is the increase in production from the photovoltaic sector between 2019 and 2020.

510 TWh

this is the solar potential of the French territory, equivalent to almost the entire electricity consumption of France (households and businesses) in 2019.


this is the increase in production from the photovoltaic sector between 2019 and 2020.


Identifying solar projects with high economic & ecological impact that are easily activated remains the core challenge.

Climate & Resilience Law for residential buildings :

Starting January 1st, 2023, new commercial, artisanal, industrial buildings, warehouses, and hangars larger than 500 m², as well as office buildings larger than 1000 m², will be required to green or solarize 30% of their surface.

We produce unique data

we produce data on the solar potential of the entire french real estate portfolio  and make it available to address our clients’ challenges.

Thermal & photovoltaic solar potential

Roof characterization
(surface, typology, wear and tear, …) & immediate surroundings

Self-consumption project /

suitable resale

Our solutions

To expedite the decision-making of individuals on a project to install photovoltaic panels / solar thermal systems

To enhance your knowledge of the solar potential of real estate properties in the region or within your portfolio

Our client cases


Be the first bank to support individual clients in the energy renovation of their homes, from financing to the on-site project

Target : All citizens of the agglomeration

Associated impact service : Rochelaise Platform for Energy Renovation


Offer clients the Ecoclik Renov simulator to determine the project budget in the context of preparing a financing application

Impact: 9% conversion rate


Address the economic and environmental challenges of professional clients by supporting them end-to-end in the installation of photovoltaic panels

Target : All FR banking advisors

Associated impact service : Vision Green


Solar Project Qualification Questionnaire

Equip advisors with a simulator to estimate the feasibility of their professional clients’ photovoltaic panel installation projects

Impact: 26% of advisors have used the solution since its launch

Our expertise

To support you in addressing the ecological challenges of our century !


Identifier des projets solaires à fort impact économique & écologique et facilement activables reste l’enjeu cœur.

Loi Climat & Résilience pour les bâtiments résidentiels :

À compter du 1er Janvier 2023, les nouveaux bâtiments commerciaux, artisanaux, industriels, entrepôts et hangars de plus de 500 m², et les bâtiments de bureaux de plus de 1000 m² devront végétaliser ou solariser 30% de leur surface.