What are the business opportunities between data and energy efficiency? 2/2

Big data and Eco-Renovation: The combination is overdue

The eco-renovation is to renovate the houses by improving their isolation and their ventilation and heating/cooling system. The benefits of the eco-renovation are convincing: more comfort for the occupants, reduced bills and a valued asset on resale. Despite a favorable legislative context, the actors of the big data have not yet seized the business opportunities in the sector.

In the continuity of European policies, the French public authorities encouraged the eco-renovation for many years. The implementation of fiscal (CITE) and financial incentives (energy saving certificates) complement the actions of ministries of housing and of the environment. Since 1990, ADEME coordinates national policies designed for the general public, communities and businesses for sustainable development and energy saving. In the territories, communities relays these policies by encouraging owners to the eco-renovation through calls for projects like Eco-renovate Paris, which recalls that 90% of its buildings were constructed before the entry of the thermal standards. There is also Écorénov for the Urban Community of Lyon and Provence Écorénov for Bouches-du-Rhône.

The laws governing the eco-renovation

However the State of the French real estate always leaves something to desire in terms of energy efficiency. Binding measures have been taken, as the law Alur coming into force January 1, 2017, forcing communities to register progressively (until 2019) in a national registry. The goal of this directory is to know the State of the real estate, to anticipate the degradation and encourage the energy retrofit. It supplements the obligation of individualizing the heating costs in collective buildings which entered into force in May 2016.

Data and eco-renovation, new actors to appear?

In the field of eco-renovation, the contribution of the big data and predictive analytical methods would be convincing. Detect the accommodations in precarious energy or a discomfort situation, those who do not meet the thermal standards… the possibilities are many and especially if we think about them. The ADEME of the eco-renovation guide cites information you should know to consider the work: the type of building, its configuration, structure or the climate zone in which it is located. In addition, the completion of a diagnosis of energy performance (DPE) and evaluating the energy state of the housing. Finally the Agency recommends to take into account regulatory obligations and to study the reorganization of habitat.
A service able to synthesize all these data on a map would stand out on the market of the big data.

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