
expected increase in natural disasters (storms, heatwaves, droughts, floods) over the next 30 years


This is the proportion of companies that have today taken into account climate risks in their extra-financial reporting


expected increase in natural disasters (storms, heatwaves, droughts, floods) over the next 30 years


This is the proportion of companies that have today taken into account climate risks in their extra-financial reporting


Comply with new regulations requiring extra-financial reporting

 CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)

From January 1st, 2023, there will be a mandatory extra-financial reporting requirement for all large companies (more than 250 employees and a balance sheet > 20 million euros or net turnover ≥ 40 million euros) and all publicly traded companies (with the exception of publicly traded micro-enterprises).

We produce unprecedented data

on lthe exposure to climate risks of the entire French real estate portfolio, and we make it available to address our clients’ challenges.

Risk level scoring

flooding, storm, heatwave, drought, RGA

ICU exposure*

Urban Heat Islands

*across the 42 French metropolises

Our solutions

To manage the impact of weather events on its role as an insurer

To characterize the exposure to climate risks of the real estate portfolio

Our client cases


Offering clients a claims management approach focused on the circular economy and aligning its business model with the Paris Agreement

Target: All policyholders

Associated impact service: Positive Home Insurance (MRH Formule Positive)


Equipping its advisors with a tool to provide climate risk prevention advice

Impact : 21,000 queries since its launch.

Our expertise

To support you in addressing the ecological challenges of our century !


Se conformer aux nouvelles réglementations exigeant des reportings extra-financiers

 CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive)

Dès le 1er janvier 2023, obligation de reporting extra-financier pour toutes les grandes entreprises (+ 250 employés et bilan > 20 millions d’euros ou CA net 40 millions d’euros) et toutes les entreprises cotées en bourse (à l’exception des microentreprises cotées).

Nous produisons des données inédites

sur l’exposition aux risques climatiques de tout le parc immobilier français et les mettons à disposition au service des enjeux de nos clients

Scoring du niveau risque

inondation, tempête, canicule, sécheresse, RGA

exposition ICU*

Îlots de Chaleur Urbains

*sur les 42 métropoles françaises