Cities and territories are engaged in their long-term development by anticipating the challenges related to climate change adaptation.

This is reflected in the establishment of a territorial resilience strategy, encompassing issues related to natural risks, infrastructure adaptation, economic attractiveness development, and the preservation of residents’ quality of life in a preserved environment.

But then how can we successfully engage the teams of our community, local officials, and the citizens of the area in the ecological transition ?

Discover our solutions tailored to the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s communities

For municipal teams and local stakeholders

Characterization of the public built heritage

Because the current and future challenge is to achieve the public policy objectives set out in your strategic territorial planning documents (SRADDET, PCAET, energy master plan, in particular)

Adopt asknamR Data and develop analyses related to the decarbonization and climate adaptation of your territory!

Get to know everything about the 34 million residential and commercial buildings in France.

A turnkey investigation journey to support your team’s actions 

Case study


Enable municipalities to identify priority energy renovation projects within their public building portfolios.

Target: local authorities

Impact-associated service: Prioréno


Provision of unprecedented data (list of data) integrated into the Prioréno tool, which allows you to determine the photovoltaic potential or estimate the relevance of roof renovation.

B2C Ecological Renovation Project Simulator

For citizens

Boost citizen engagement in the energy transition and the use of your services for the ecological transition of your territory !

Deploy ecoclik, the only simulator on the market that can convince residents to be part of your local energy transition strategy, in just a few clicks.

Accelerate the energy renovation of homes in your area

Promote the use of solar energy by citizens (installation of solar panels & solar thermal)

A solution for making an impact

For Habitat or Climate Management Teams

Accelerating the use of local services to assist citizens in energy or solar renovation projects.

For local elected officials & mayors

Acceleration of projects related to the environmental commitments of the community

Case study


Offer end-to-end citizen support for solar panel projects: from awareness to project realization, the bank supports individual clients in the energy renovation of their homes, from financing to on-site project completion.

Target: All citizens of the metropolitan area

Impact service: Rochelaise Energy Renovation Platform


Providing the Ecoclik Solar simulator (solar cadaster) to assist them in envisioning a project for installing photovoltaic panels on their roofs.

Impact: 10 visits per day since its launch.

Explore our resources to fully understand the impact of climate risks on the public sector